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T78: ‘All the music I make is based on to make people dance’

T78 uncovers the creative process of his recent EP 'Monster Truck' prior to his show at Istanbul DorockXL Venue on May 6

  • 25 April 2023

The ‘Monster Truck’ EP is your second collaborative project with Maxie Devine, following the 2020 standalone single ‘Mutation’. How did teaming up with Maxie again inspire the type of an EP you made?

So we decided to team up again when I rediscovered one of maxi tracks on vinyl that he released in 2003 or 2004. I'm talking about the track called Harlock, but I don't remember. What was the previous name that he had originally? But anyway, I called him and I said listen, I really like this track, the whole atmosphere, and I think an updated version would be great. So I started to work on that based on only the original file because we didn't have the original parts and original synthesizers. I started to recreate the entire track in the studio and then I sent it to him just to put his new touch on this one. And then we said we better work on some other ideas, so we started to share in order to create more tracks and we started to share some files some stamps and we ended up building Mantissar, which is more his style, and monster truck, which is more close to my usual sound. That's how we start to collaborate on the new EP, basically.

What equipment did you use and how did that influence the creation of the tracks?

So we just worked on our computers with no external synthesizer, just on, in the box. As I work on my music nowadays, I don't have any external machine, I do everything on my Macintosh. And I think it's more than enough nowadays, also because I'm constantly on the road and I prefer to have, you know, like my music always with me so I can work anywhere, anytime to ideas and then I finish it up in the studio.

How has it been going down on dancefloors? How are the feedbacks?

So basically, when I'm making, you know, dance music, especially techno, I'm always quite confident and sure about the dance floor result. I mean, all the music I make is based on to make people dance. I don't go too experimental or too abstract. Because I just like to make music that I can actually play. So when I tested first time Harlock back in the summer of 2022, it was very good as I expected. And then later on I started also to test the other two. Most of the track I played many, many times because as I said before, it's much closer to what I usually play. Mantissaur is a track that I maybe can, you know, play as one of the first 2-3 tracks into a set if it's a longer set. Otherwise I most of the time skip it because it's you know too, I wouldn't say soft, but not really my own style But anyway, I just love that. But it's not fitting so much with the rest of the music that I normally play.

Your latest ‘Tektones’ selection came out in the late 2022, while #onlybombs Vol. 3 was introduced few months ago. What are such other distinguishing projects on your label Autektone this year?

This year on Autektone we have so many releases. Of course we have every six months a compilation with some of the newcomers. I just selected music that I got through the demo e-mail and then I have many, many releases. Of myself like one after each other. In like 2 months I'm going to release 4 projects, one again with Zen. On that we already made a track called Europa which was quite successful. Then I have a new one with Savio which is a good friend of mine and it comes from the hard trance days. When I was busy making that kind of music more than 20 years ago, then a new collaboration with a A*S*Y*S that we will fully present during our gig in Istanbul and then at Autektone I will finally release my remix of Cyberpunkers called fuck the system, which was one of my highlights of the past six months. And everyone is asking. About that track, because it's sort out-of-the-box and he creates such a wildness on a dance floor.

You are playing an Istanbul show on May 6. What would you like to say to the fans ahead of the event?

Since the very beginning, I always had like a special connection with people in Turkey, in Istanbul of course. But I would say in every other city that I play in Turkey, because the people over there is such a dedicated fence and they know all the track. They request me, you know the tracks through Instagram, if I can play this, if I can play that. So I think people should not miss this this event because it will be such a special one. You know we we will you know eventually play back-to-back with with Frank. So it's something that is not going to happen often because I normally don't do back-to-back but you know this will be a special occasion. So it's going to be only bombs all over the place.

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