74-year-old Ibiza-loving man is said to have a “terrifying” club schedule
The Liverpool-born man has been visiting the White Isle for the past decade

Robert Johnson, a 74-year-old from Birkenhead near Liverpool, is known for having a clubbing schedule that could put any youngster to shame.
According to the Liverpool Echo, the senior citizen, who has been visiting the party island of Ibiza every year since 2007, discovered his passion for dance music later in life.
The Echo reports that Johnson first traveled to Ibiza in 2007 at the age of 58 and returned every year for the next 11 years, only recently stopping due to financial constraints.
Mark Doyle, owner of Hedkandi, a record label owned by Ministry Of Sound and said to be Johnson’s favourite, claims that Johnson has a “club schedule that would terrify any 21-year-old.”
Doyle has offered to cover Johnson’s flight to Ibiza next month so he can attend the next Hedkandi event at Es Paradis and has set up a GoFundMe page to finance the 74-year-old’s trip.
Doyle wrote, “Consistently proving that age has no barrier Robert is 74-years-old and has attended events up and down the country. Robert has never leveraged his age and has never asked for guest-list (we've offered numerous times).”
Doyle added that Johnson is “an example to all of us” and that he has missed his “Ibiza marathons” over the years. They have currently raised over £2,000 for his next trip.
The Liverpool Echo reports that the pensioner first discovered and fell in love with club music in his 40s and became “hooked” after attending his first raves and events.
Johnson explained, “I’d never heard it on a good sound system. I’d heard it on the car radio but when I heard it in the club it blew my mind. It’s the energy, it’s the way it holds you on your feet. I went back home and I listened to Pete Tong, Danny Rampling, Judge Jules, Dave Pearce.”
Johnson said he “felt at home” on his first visit to Ibiza and revealed that his secret to marathon clubbing sessions was taking a “disco nap” in the afternoon.
[Via The Liverpool Echo]