Klangphonics breathe life into electronic music with ordinary objects
The group have recently released a new single, ‘Holocene, Pt. II’

The digital age has seen a flourishing of techno music, with computers bearing the brunt of production. However, the pendulum swings back, beckoning us to revisit traditional instruments and their potential role in creating electronic soundscapes.
This might seem like a paradox, but it's exactly the enigma that Klangphonics set out to unravel. The Berlin-based group craft techno vibes using an eclectic mix of instruments and sounds — some quite unexpected in this context, such as ukuleles, cat sounds, pans, buckets, and even the resonant chime of wine glasses.
To the untrained ear, devoid of visual cues, the music of Klangphonics might easily be mistaken as purely computer-generated. However, the group's innovative journey has led them to a sound that mirrors techno, while simultaneously introducing a refreshing and distinctly unique sonic experience.
As explained on the Klangphonics' website, the philosophy underpinning their approach is elegantly simple.
“By using a combination of acoustic instruments and electronic elements, they bridge the gap between producer and live band,” reads their website. “This results in a very natural, organic sound, whilst still retaining the energy associated with deep house and melodic techno.”
While some might balk at the self-imposed constraints, Klangphonics has tapped into an inventive vein that remains largely unexplored. The group have been regularly sharing live sessions on their YouTube channel and marked a significant milestone with the release of their debut album ‘Songs to Try’ in 2021. Their latest release is a single entitled ‘Holocene, Pt. II’.